Top 4 Most Common Work-Related Injuries That Require Worker’s Compensation


Although having a job is wonderful, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation if you cannot work due to an accident or injury. But what injuries at work occur most frequently?

Overexertion Injuries

Among the five most common work-related injuries that workers’ compensation insurance benefits may cover, overexertion injuries are second only to musculoskeletal disorders. These types of injuries affect the muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Overexertion causes strains, tears, and other injuries. In some cases, these injuries can have long-lasting effects.

Overexertion injuries happen to workers in any occupation. Often, they result from lifting and carrying heavy objects. However, they can also occur in construction and manufacturing jobs. It is also common for these types of injuries to occur while performing repetitive motions.

Overexertion can be the cause of many different injuries, including sprains, strains, and muscle tears. It can also result in neck and back injuries.

These overexertion injuries can be treated with a range of motion exercises and strengthening programs. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment. Those who have suffered from overexertion injuries should always keep regular appointments with their doctor to monitor their recovery progress.

Overexertion injuries can be painful, and they can have long-lasting effects. Therefore, employees who have experienced these injuries should seek workers’ compensation for their expenses. This insurance can help pay for medical costs and replace lost wages.

Fall From Heights

A fall from a height can result in serious medical problems, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and broken bones. A fall can be caused by some factors, including a slick floor, a faulty handrail, a broken or not properly secured ladder, and an unmarked step.

A study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that falls from heights are one of the leading causes of workplace accidents. These incidents account for more than 10% of all work-related fatalities. They can be categorized into two groups: the first involves objects falling from a height, such as shelves or other people; the second involves contact with an object or equipment that may be falling, such as a falling wall or crushing by machinery.

Whether you’re working in a factory, construction site, or office, falls from heights are a major concern. However, the risk of falling can be reduced by providing employees with safety equipment and training on safety procedures.

A fall from a ladder can be devastating to a worker. If the accident occurs during work, the employee may have to take days off from work. They may also face long recovery periods. If you or a loved one are injured in a ladder fall, it’s important to consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer. The most important thing to remember is that falls from heights are more likely to cause serious medical problems than any other type of accident. Falls can lead to internal bleeding, fractured bones, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.

Repetitive Stress Injuries

RSI, or repetitive stress injuries, occur from performing certain actions regularly. These repetitive motions can cause damage to the joints, muscles, and tendons.

There are many types of RSIs. Some are less common than others. However, they can cause debilitating pain. Luckily, these injuries may be covered by workers’ compensation.

A common form of RSI is carpal tunnel syndrome, which occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness. It can also cause the patient to be unable to grasp objects.

Another type of RSI is tendonitis. Tendonitis is caused by pulling or pushing. It is a painful condition that can be treated with rest, icing, and anti-inflammatory medication.

A more complex form of RSI is repetitive trauma. Repetitive actions or traumatic events cause repetitive trauma. These can include slipping, slipping, falling, or lifting a heavy object. The most common repetitive trauma cases involve the ankle and hip.

Some industries are prone to repetitive stress injuries, including construction, transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. Any work-related activity that involves repetitive motions can put you at risk. The best way to avoid these injuries is to take short breaks between tasks.

Repetitive stress injuries may require surgery or other medical procedures, but workers’ compensation can offset these costs. This is especially true for those with high-risk jobs, such as hair stylists or tattoo artists.

Violence and Injuries Caused by Persons and Animals

Occupational injuries are the second leading cause of death in high-income countries, and the number of cases has increased in low and middle-income countries. Although most jobs entail some risk, some occupations are more hazardous than others. Some higher-risk occupations include law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and those who work with or exchange money with the public.

Occupational injuries are often the result of aggressive confrontations. In addition, working with alcohol can increase the risk of violence. Also, working in an isolated area increases the risk of violence.

Workplace violence is the third-leading cause of occupational injury deaths in the United States. Fortunately, there are steps that employers can take to minimize the hazard. These steps can include implementing a zero-tolerance policy, conducting employee training, and creating communication channels to report suspicious activity.

Workers’ compensation programs also help resolve disputes between workers and their employers. In addition, these programs promote workplace safety and regulate workers’ compensation insurance. In most states, there is a state-run workers’ compensation program.

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